Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Computer Facts

While you are buying a computer you will ask the technician about the computer when he comes for installation. He’ll clarify your doubts and explain the operation of the system, but not everything. Following are the things your computer technician may not tell, but you must know,

1. Nine times out of ten, rebooting your computer- and any equipment that connects to it –will solve the problem.

2. Use “strong” passwords: Combine letters and numbers-but not your birth date –to create a “base” password, and add a unique stuff for each site you use. If your base password is your spouse’s initials and your anniversary date [say SPo61789], your Yahoo password might be Spo61789YA.

3. Make sure you have current antivirus and anti-spy ware protection, and set it to update at least once a day and run a full system scan at least once a week.

4. There are no free lunch- Downloading free music movies, and games from file sharing sites can open holes in your system for others to exploit. Play it safe and buy CDs.

5. Remember-Public Wi-Fi is public. If you don’t have a compelling reason to check your e-mail or bank account while sipping a coffee at the mail, don’t do it. While you’re on a public network, even one that’s encrypted, a nearby hacker can capture your passwords.

6. Give it a rest: Turning off your computer when it’s not in use saves energy and clears out the RAM or temporary memory, which would otherwise slow your machine over time if you can’t get online, call your internet service provider first. Connection problems can often be checked and fixed-free. If you want to see less of me, get a Mac. Mac’s are actually a little bad for my business

You can’t use your cell phone to pop popcorn. Next time an internet rumour drops into your inbox, don’t just pass it on-check it out at first.

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